Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Beginning

Honestly, I am quite reluctant to start this blog, because I know I will put a great deal of time and effort into it, and there is a solid chance that no one will read it. Some will say they read it when they really don't. Others will glance, skim, etc. And that's understandable.

But then I realize; I've just got too much to say about the world of sports NOT to have a blog on it. Whether you read every night, once a week, once a month, or stop reading after this sentence, I'll still have so much to say. And if it falls on deaf ears, so be it. I hope to entertain. I hope to educate. I hope that you leave here with something that you didn't have when you came on.

My goal? I want to be one of those sites that you check every time you go online. You know the ones. For me, it is my email, facebook.com, fantasysports.yahoo.com, cbssportsline.com, and letsgokings.com. Every single time I sign online, I check these sites. I want to be on your list. Not EVERY time, since I'll only be updating on nights, but in my dream world, you'll really want to keep coming back for more.

Noteworthy happenings of the day, thoughts in general, sports bets for the upcoming day, playoff previews... whatever is worth commenting on, I'll comment on. I hope you will make this an interactive experience and speak up when you agree or disagree - after all, without argument, what fun is sports?

So, here goes nothing. Let's have some fun.